When you live in the same valley all of your growing up years, there are landmarks that become a part of the landscape of your life. This barn is one such. For some reason, as a child, I was always intrigued by this barn. We would pass it on our adventures to Brigham City or Salt Lake. In December when I passed by, I stopped for a photo to record this little piece of my history.
Interesting enough, the barn was originally painted to promote the products of Dr. Ray Vaughn Pierce sometime during the Great Depression The Woman's tonic claimed to cure those diseases caused by "feminine complaint." An advertisement in an 1895 Ann Arbor Register stated: "There are not three cases in a hundred of woman's peculiar diseases that Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription will not cure." According to the labeling it contained "Lady's Slipper root, Unicorn root, Blue root, Oregon Grape root, and Viburnum" (sounds a bit like a Harry Potter potion). The original owners of the barn were paid $25 for the first painting and $10 annually for rent. It was repainted every year except during World War II when lead was scarce. After falling into disrepair, the members of the community in 1998 donated time and money to restore the barn.
If any of you find the website where I can order a bottle of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, please let me know!
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