Wednesday, December 21

merry christmas + giving back

I recently attended a OneLight Workshop with Zack Arias.  He is one of the great masters in understanding off camera lighting (I'll post more about that experience after the new year).  The workshop was amazing--Zack is a bit insane, but oh so inspiring!!   I got chatting with Mark Palmer, one of the other photographers, during one of the breaks and he shared with me that he did hospice photography as his way of giving back to his community.  He also connected me with a "give back" initiative that is sponsored by Jeremy Cowart called Help-Portrait where photographers around the world open up their studios or organize a location for a community photo shoot where they can give back by offering a free portrait.  Needless to say....I was inspired!!  I typically give service through my church, but this got me thinking of ways in which I could broaden my giving.  Who could I give my talent as a photographer to that might add to their joy this holiday season if they had a portrait of themselves to share with loved ones or family?   My answer came...inmates at the House of Corrections.   I cannot begin to explain the power of my time with the 16 inmates who signed up to receive one of my portraits.  I had a delightful afternoon as these individuals so generously shared with me their lives, their hearts, and most importantly, their light. 

A HUGE thank you to the staff, all of the guards, and especially the superintendent for his willingness to help me share what gift I had to offer this Christmas season.