Saturday, February 23

magical light orbs...

I was photographing the famous Temple Square in Salt Lake City at Christmastime.  I was intrigued with the reflecting pool that was full of light orbs.  I felt like I was a fairy in the movie, Avitar.  What a photographer's treat!

Saturday, February 16

wedding holiday magic...

There is something about getting married during the holidays that adds a little extra magic to the day.  Paul and Kiyono both live in Japan and had flown home to Paul's parents in New Hampshire for the wedding.  Maybe it was the excitement of not having seen family for awhile...maybe it was because it was three days before Christmas...or perhaps it was just because of their love!  Their joyful love was palatable!!  They were an absolute treasure to photograph.  I would watch as Paul's face would fill with love as he would catch Kiyono's eye from across the room.  I would capture Kiyono's delightful glee as it burst up from her like fireworks.  And when they came together, they connected...they really connected. These two have that blissful state of love:  they will be walking together hand in hand down life's road for the rest of their lives. What an honor to capture and witness their beginning...

Friday, February 8

the art of second shooting...

I love second shooting weddings.  All of the pressure is off and you have the opportunity to take photographs from a different, more relaxed vantage point.  When you are the main photographer everyone is watching and focusing on you. As a second shooter, nobody notices you...nobody looks at you and when you become somewhat invisible you are able to tell the story with a different point of view.

Second shooting for someone you respect professionally makes it a double bonus.  You are able to learn from the first shooter how they approach the wedding day and their unique style.  This was the case for this wedding.  I recently had the opportunity to second shoot for Kate Perkes.  She is a Boise photographer with a truly beautiful eye.  I had a blast with her for a couple of hours as she shared part of her day with me.   Also check out her recent stunning senior session: Country Girl Senior Pictures -- you'll be wowed!

Wednesday, February 6

the power of two balloons...

My son surprised us when he came to photograph a corporate event two weeks ago.  I picked him up at the Boston airport and along with his photography gear, he had in tow my sweet grandson, Jace.  I was so happy I cried!  One of the adventures we had while he was here was a room full of balloons to kick and play in.  Jace LOVES balloons!  These are the only two left...but I can't pop them and throw them out.   Every time I look at them, I think of sweet little Jace and how much I love and miss him.  This morning I vacuumed around them and smiled as I thought of this dear precious snuffer! I hope the air stays until we travel to Boise to see him the end of February. I'm sure while there we'll have some kind of balloon party. I wonder what the airlines will think when my return carry-on luggage consists of a bagful of balloons!

Saturday, February 2

Princess Rebeka

New babies can only compare to the enchantment you feel on Christmas Eve or the night before your birthday when you were 5 years old.  They are so MIRACULOUS!  These tiny little bundles that actually look like dried up raisins or pollywogs somehow are more beautiful than anything you can imagine  – although I have to say that a new mother’s glow will rival that of her newly born child. 

It was an honor to capture little princess Rebeka.  Babies can be complicated to photograph– they pee, cry, fuss, spit up, and they don’t take directions very well…you understand.  But then, out of the blue they get this angelic look on their face and they are at peace and all is perfection. 

Big Congratulations to Carroll and Shay!  They radiate with love and tenderness for this new little miracle that has come into their life as a manifestation of their love.  What a blessing and sacred honor it was to photograph and act as a witness to this new little family.   I get all teary-eyed just thinking about it!