My Father served in World War II. I've always felt pride in his service for his country. He quit high school after his junior year because he was drafted into the army. In basic training he joined the paratroopers. In 1945 he headed for the Pacific and was stationed in the Philippines where he was assigned to the 11th Airborne Division. My Father ended up being injured in a parachuting accident and happened to be on a hospital boat in Tokyo Bay when the armistice was signed. I'm grateful for the brave men and women who served our country to protect freedoms.
In Washington DC there is a new World War II memorial (actually it's 10 years old) that I had not seen before. It was not only beautiful, but inspiring!! I wish I could have taken my Father there before he passed away. He would have loved it and felt so honored by the beauty of the architecture. It truly honors those brave servicemen and women.
Reflection from the Vietnam War Memorial and a view of the Washington Monument from the Jefferson Memorial.
Another new (1995) Memorial in DC is the Korean War Memorial. Very powerful.
A place I had never visited before was the Washington National Cathedral. Breathtaking and inspiring!! The stained glass is some of my favorite I have ever seen...vibrant and rich! A place where all are welcome to worship, reflect and be inspired by this beautiful cathedral of worship.